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Search for 'Ripping Friends' returned 28 results.

Garfield and his Nine Lives Review
game: Garfield and his Nine Lives
review | 10/08/06 | Amanda Bateman
Garfield stars in his very own Game Boy Advance game, rescuing friends and eating junk food...even while he\'s sleeping. Much like the recent Garfield movies, there\'s really nothing to see here unless you have a five-year-old screaming for it. If you are hoping to satisfy a pre-gamer with a thing for grumpy cats, then Garfield and His Nine Lives might buy a few hours of quiet on the next big roadtrip. Check Amanda\'s review for details.
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Sony's Phil Harrison Slams PCs, Talks Tilting, Defends Blu-Ray
news | 06/03/06 | Chris Martin
With the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360, and the Wii on the market come November, how will Sony cope? Are they looking for an answer to Microsoft\'s Live Anywhere service, which will link Xbox 360 owners, PC owners, and mobile owners in a new and fresh way? Are they looking to clean up with their Blu-Ray high definition disc player? Or will their new tilt/sensor Dual un-Shock controller be able to propell Sony beyond Nintendo\'s Wii? Truly, there is a lot ahead of Sony. President of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios Phil Harrison has a lot to say about the PS3, Live Anywhere, and the Wii remote. And of course, he doesn\'t mind ripping the PC a new one while he\'s at it. Tough as nails, if there\'s only one thing you had to say about Phil its \"he\'s got balls.\" Read on to find out why.
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Xbox Live Anywhere
game: Xbox Live
news | 05/09/06 | Shawn Rider
Microsoft has announced Xbox Live Anywhere, which will unify gaming on Windows Vista, Xbox 360 and Windows Mobile devices. Not only does this mean voice chat, friends list management, and text and multimedia messaging, but also multiplatform interoperability. That means PC gamers and console gamers will finally be able to play together. Shawn has the full story here.
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Pre-E3: The Promise of Innovation in Games and Technology for the Xbox 360.
editorial | 05/07/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
E3 is nearly here, and there is more to anticipate than the new Halo trailer. This may be a year of true innovation. New consoles, re-imagined controllers, anything is possible. The Xbox 360 is prime for innovation as it grows. It is connected to your friends, your PC, your home, and at E3 this year we will certainly get a glimpse of things to come.
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How to Be a Console DJ: Reviewing beatmania
game: beatmania
review | 04/23/06 | Amanda Bateman
Always wanted to be a DJ but didn\'t know quite where to start? We can\'t guarantee that beatmania will provide you with the skills needed to become an expert on the turntables, but it is a heck of a lot of fun. And at $59 for both the game and the super-sweet turntable controller, this is another Konami game that is easy to get your friends to try. Amanda breaks it down for you in her review.
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My Oblivion Wife, or: Of Orcish Bondage
game: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
feature | 04/21/06 | Shawn Rider
Oblivion is a big game -- HUGE. And although many of its inhabitants have interesting problems, not many become long-lasting friends. And virtually none become companions (except that annoying fan guy). You can\'t even have a pet in Oblivion, although that lady in Chorral just flaunts her two super-awesome wolves. Fortunately, thanks to an odd glitch in the game that prevents him from completing the Knights of the White Stallion quest, Shawn has figured out how to keep himself a mighty fine Orc wife, Mazoga. (That is, if you count bride-knapping as \"marriage.\") Get the full story here.
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Suikoden V Review
game: Suikoden V
review | 04/10/06 | Amanda Bateman
You gotta catch them all! ...No, not Pokemon. Stars of Destiny. The next chapter in the Suikoden series is here, following the adventures of the Prince of Falena as he works to prevent disaster from reaching his family, friends, and the Queendom. (Yeah, you read right. Queendom.)
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Metroid Prime: Hunters Review
game: Metroid Prime: Hunters
review | 03/30/06 | George Holomshek
Since the release of the Nintendo DS gamers have been anticipating the DS-exclusive, Metroid Prime: Hunters. Featuring a funky touch-screen control style, Metroid-classic adventure gaming and a robust online multiplayer mode, Hunters might just be all it\'s cracked up to be. This is the first time the GF! staff has been so addicted to online multiplayer in a handheld shooter; a revamped friends system and voice chat enhance the experience in many ways. Our resident Nintendophile George found time to write up this review of Hunters in-between sessions of spanking GF! Assistant Editor, Aaron Stanton in online bouts. (7-0 Aaron? Are you sure you\'re qualified for this job?)
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Don't Panic: Reports of 360 Defects Overrated (Probably)
game: Xbox 360
editorial | 11/23/05 | Aaron Stanton
Should you be worried about the Xbox 360 being defective? Are they dropping like flies? According to online forums, Xbox 360s seem to be reporting errors like mad, but don\'t be too quick to go off telling your friends about the death of the 360. The words \"recall\" shouldn\'t slip out your lips just yet. In short, don\'t panic; chances are that error rates are skewed by the hardcore demographic of early adopters eager to share their 360 experiences.
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How To Get Podcasts on Your Xbox 360
game: Xbox 360
how-to | 11/20/05 | Shawn Rider
The Xbox 360 is a powerful media machine, in addition to being a powerful gaming machine. And with all of the new capabilities, we\'re sure to see a lot of fun and funky uses. So we thought we\'d kick off the interesting Xbox 360 media-centered ideas with this quick article about how to listen to podcasts while you\'re gaming. Now you don\'t have to make a choice between the evening news and gaming with your long-distance friends on XBL. And now you can listen to Val review games while you play them. How cool is that? Check it out here.
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Happy Tree Friends: Winter Break Review
game: Happy Tree Friends: Winter Break
review | 10/19/05 | George Holomshek
When I was in high school, all the cool girls had this saying: \"That\'s so cute I just want to throw it against a wall.\" You could modify what you wanted to do to the cute thing: eat it, squish it, set it on fire. The idea was that cuteness inspires violent feelings, and it made us giggle with glee. Such is the premise of Happy Tree Friends: Cute and violent. Really violent. Like, Jack Thompson going to town in GTA violent--it kind of gets creepy sometimes. Check out George\'s review here.
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Xbox 360 Screens of GUN
game: GUN
news | 10/06/05 | Shawn Rider
I don\'t even like westerns, but I love Deadwood. The grimy, gritty Old West environment, teetering between nature and civilization, lends itself to some gripping drama and high adventure. Plus, there\'s plenty of cursing. So I get very interested when I hear that Neversoft, one of my fave game developers, has also been watching Deadwood, and has created an entire game based in the Wild West, with the goal of expanding the open-play scenerio beyond cops and robbers. GUN will come out this Fall for Xbox, PS2 and Xbox 360. We\'ve got some XB360 screen here and a bit more about the game.
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Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends
game: Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends
review | 08/31/05 | George Holomshek
Nintendogs is a sensation that is literally sweeping the world. It started in Japan ? where it drove sales of the Nintendo DS through the roof ? and has now landed in the United States, where it looks like it might do the same. The furry balls of fluff are cute and amazingly intelligent, and you\'ll find yourself talking to them in that high-pitched squeaky dog voice we all get from time to time. If your friends and neighbors have not succumbed to the game themselves, talking to your DS will get you weird looks, but you won\'t care; you\'ll be having too much fun. Check out our full review.
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game: Lumines
review | 04/14/05 | Shawn Rider
Lumines is the hipster puzzle game for the PSP that's got everyone tripping out on rave-tastic visuals and bumping techno beats. But Shawn is here to say that for all those non-raver, techno-hating gamers out there, Lumines is still a dang fun puzzle game. And you can still trip out on the graphics without dressing like a candy bar.
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Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade
game: Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade
review | 04/13/05 | Shawn Rider
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade is a hack-and-slash dungeon crawling RPG that brings classic Diablo-style gameplay to your PSP. It's got great graphics, a deep character development system, and is pretty much a hoot to play with friends. But like so many RPG protagonists, it is as flawed as it is brilliant. Curse the darkness, or get the light right here.
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